I Flew Out and Bought a Car!

"You flew here to buy a car?!" said the Lyft driver who had just picked me up from San Francisco International Airport. He was shocked that I was interested enough in a car to fly out to buy it, then drive hours to get back home. When I told him that this was my second time doing so, (the first time being a Subaru from Oregon with a subsequent 16 hour drive home) he called me crazy. Probably rightly so.

She's a beaut!
Smiles per gallon indeed.

A few things need to line up for me to decide on flying out to buy a car. First off is finding a good deal on a car. This isn't too difficult when you have a borderline-obsessive habit of checking Craigslist ads multiple times a day. Second is having the funds to buy said car; and third, setting aside the time for the trip. Doing proper research on the car you want to buy, as well as bugging the seller for as much information as possible to avoid surprises, are both imperative to having a successful trip and shiny new toy on your driveway. Linked below is a vlog I made of my trip and first impressions of my new (to me) R53 JCW Mini Cooper S. Enjoy!

