Beginner's Guide to Investing In Altcoins/Stellar Lumens (XLM) Using Coinbase, GDAX, and Binance

*Disclaimer: Investing in cryptocurrency is a risk. Please do your research and only put in money that you'd be completely ok with losing. The markets may crash at any point, so please invest responsibly.

Cryptocurrency has been making a huge buzz in the mainstream media for a few months now. So much so, that even those not acquainted with technology and the new-new have been interested in pumping their hard-earned money into the market. With this influx have come many newbies, hands full of cash and minds full of "what's this button do?" I've made a video to help beginners with this dilemma. You can watch it below:

In the video, I go over how to buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) while reducing the fees associated with buying altcoins. I also show you how to safely transfer your newly bought coins from the exchange into a wallet. If you still have any questions, post a comment under the YouTube video and I'll do my best to help out. 
